Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parental Arguments

Hey again!  Lucy here.  I just had a pretty weird experience.  I woke up early to go to the rest room, and as I was walking down the hall I passed my dad and step-mom's door, and I overheard them arguing.  It sounded pretty bad too... they were fighting about money.  I guess my step-mom bought some painting which cost way more than my dad thought she should spend, and he was really upset that she did it without talking to him first.  And then she was upset that he was acting as if she needed his permission.

Now, I've made no secret of the fact that I don't get along with my step-mom.  Sometimes the sound of her voice sets my teeth on edge.  But hearing them argue like that really scared me.  I used to think I'd love it if they broke up, but I know now that I wouldn't.  My dad would be miserable.  I mean, I can't see anything in her, but he apparently really loves her.

Have you ever heard your parents arguing?  If so, did it worry you?


  1. Hey, Lucy! Yeah, I don't like it when my parents argue either. They don't argue near as much as they used to since we are settled now and not moving all the time. But when they do it's pretty heated. I hope everything works out with your dad and step-mom.


  2. Oh, Lucy, do I have stories for you...
    My mom is extremely stubborn and difficult. She has a strong opinion, and she thinks she is always right and that her way is the only way. She's strict and has a list of crazy rules...oh, and she doesn't like teenagers. I guess that means she hates her own children? Kidding, I know she loves us, but she is a pain. She argues with my dad all the time because my dad doesn't do things up to her standards. It does make me worried. I don't want to see my parents get divorced because I don't want to feel like I have to choose between them.

  3. *hugs from Bree*

    It's really scary when parents argue. Or when anyone argues. When I hear someone shouting, my palms get sweaty, and I feel like I should hide... and sometimes I actually hide. There was a lot of shouting and fighting and worse when I was younger before I lived with the Greens, and I really hated it.

    I think (not that I have any experience with this, really,) that it's normal for even couples in happy relationships to argue sometimes, though. Everyone gets mad at people now and then or has a bad day. I'm sorry you had to hear it, but I don't think it's necessarily bad news. We're hoping for the best.


  4. I'm sorry you had to hear that, Lucy. :(
    It's not easy when the ones we love argue. I only have my human, and she hasn't ever argued with anyone -except me,lol. But I heard her cry time ago, and it felt awful because I wanted her to feel better, but there was nothing I could do.

    I hope things have gotten better at home since that day.

    Big hug to you!
