Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tenth post! Some feedback, please?

Heya, blog friends!  This is my tenth post... yay!  But hold your applause for now.  I wanted to ask some opinions.  

First of all, I have 14 followers.  Thanks to all 14 of you!  But what should I do to get more?  I'm following most of the blogs that I've read so far and I try to comment on all the new posts I see.  I don't log on everyday though so I miss a lot.  I try to catch up when I can though.

Second, I've noticed that posts with pictures seem to get more comments than those without them. Should I wait to post until I have pictures and more to write about, or should I post more often (some with pics and some without)?

Third, I'm thinking of asking Keisha to become my permanent co-author on my blog?  I'm assuming everyone would be interested in hearing from my fun and cool bff? =)

Thanks for reading and for any feedback you have... I appreciate it!


  1. Hi, Lucy. I think you are doing very well with followers. It takes some time to get more. I think you started your blog about the same time my friends Mac and Angelica started theirs and you have more followers than them! Picture posts do seem to get more comments, but as we get to know you more, more comments on all your posts will come naturally. Just be patient and keep doing what you're doing. Congrats on 10 posts and 14 followers!


  2. Hey, this is Kirsten.

    Honestly, Lucy, for only 10 posts so far, 14 followers is fantastic! We have more followers than you, but we've done about twelve times as many posts over more than half a year. I don't remember for sure, but I'm pretty sure we didn't have as many followers as you when we'd written ten posts.

    I think the best thing you can do is just keep on keeping on! You're doing great!

    I think it would be cool to hear from Keisha too, because we like you both.


  3. Lucy, don't worry! 14 followers is great, and I definitely assure you that you will get more as time goes on. It took me three years to get as many followers as I have.
    I like posts with pictures, but I also like posts without pictures. I can't always post photos myself, so both ways are fine.
    The co-authors idea is neat, too. I'd like to hear from Keisha.
    Keep up the good work- you're doing fine!

  4. Hi Lucy! Asking Keisha to join you sounds great, it's going to be so much fun reading you together!
    On the other hand, like others have said, you're doing pretty great! You can choose to post with or without pictures, it depends of what YOU like best. I always like to read whatever you have to say :)


  5. Thanks everyone for the feedback! =) I've gotten two more followers... thanks! I feel special and I'm really happy with how the blog is going.

  6. You are doing great to have 14 followers for 10 posts .. just keep posting .. I have 69 followers and still do not get many comments do not worry as you get seen and known you will get more followers .. commenting on other peoples posts are a great way to get known too .. i you want comments on your post then commenting on others pays off ..

    Everyone worries about getting more followers to their blog when we start out .. but the best way is to just have fun posting and it will happen ..

    We love your blog too ..

  7. Thanks Taryn! Yeah, we try to comment on other people's blogs when we can. I'm having a lot of fun with the blog and definitely happy with the progress I've made. =)

  8. Heya Lucy!

    14 followers so far is awesome! Don't worry if you don't get comments on all your posts; Susie and I don't, either.

    Posts both with pictures and without are good. We also don't have pics to put up with all our posts.

    I'm sure you'll get more followers as time goes by. More important though, just write your blog for fun. Also, having Keisha co-write the blog is a good idea.
